Too Busy for Consistency?

As single parents, we are often just “too busy”—too busy to attend all of the functions we are invited to; too busy to stay after hours at work; too busy to shop around for the best bargain. I have even heard parents explain that they would be better parents and provide better limits and more consistency if they just were not ‘too busy’… For some single parents, there is an assumption that setting rules and limits and being consistent about it takes nonstop diligence. For a working, busy, single parent, it can just be too daunting to think of overseeing … Continue reading

We Could Use a Good Troubleshooter

One of my favorite words that have evolved in the past ten years or so is the word “troubleshooter” or its counterpart verb “troubleshoot”—I am sure that it is somehow tied to technological advancements but it has been appropriated into just about every workplace and project that I know of. In my family life, however, I cannot help but think sometimes that what we really need is not a parent or a housekeeper, but a good, qualified, creative troubleshooter! The thing about being the parent is that I do tend to get in a rut—even my problem-solving skills that have … Continue reading

Interruptions in Child Development

Most of us parents have witnessed as our children started out on a new developmental stage—either in a burst of new skills or gradually learning something new to add to their repertoire. What can be disconcerting for a parent, however, is when a child starts out on a new developmental stage and then stops or regresses. Most of us cannot help but wonder if something is wrong… I have heard more parents tell tales of toilet-training, for example, that starts out fabulously and then the child loses interest, regresses or it becomes necessary to start all over. For some reason, … Continue reading

Making Room for New Directions

By now, most of us has come to accept that change is the very nature of life. When it comes to raising children and embracing the constant growth and change, it can be a little tough on a parent. Just as soon as we get used to a certain personality trait or interest that our child is exploring, he might change and seem like a very different person. I think one of our jobs as parents, however, is to create some space and make plenty of room for our child to head in new and different directions. None of us … Continue reading

Be Sure to Say “Thanks” when They do What they Should!

Do not underestimate the power of a well-placed “Thank you!” when it comes to parenting your child. You might be surprised how much of an effect a genuine and heartfelt nod of appreciation can have on your child. As long as you don’t abuse it, remembering to say thanks and show appreciation when your child does something he or she is supposed to do—can go a long way in making the fluke turn into habit. We parents spend so much time telling our children what we want them to do, what they should and shouldn’t do, and what we would … Continue reading